Michael Finney

Michael Finney

A business strategy consultant focused on media and message.

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1893 Chicago's Columbian Exposition

Chicago 1893

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The Columbian Exposition of 1893 will forever be a source of pride for all of Chicago, forever represented on the city’s flag. Chicago 1893 breathes new life into the Exposition so a whole new generation of Chicagoans and enthusiasts around the world can experience the excitement as well as the magic of Chicago’s most iconic moment in history.

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Exploring Our National Parks

Exploring Our National Parks

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Exploring the National Parks across the United States is an opportunity that should not be taken for granted. To understand the profound notion of stewardship, in terms of responsibility and accountability, we must know the land as intimately as possible. This series of books seeks to nurture further the seeds planted in the previous entries of the series.

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How to Create a Personal Brand

How to Create a Personal Brand in 10 Steps

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"How to Create a Personal Brand in 10 Steps" is a content development course for beginners that takes users through the process of creating a consistent professional presence.

Take your personal brand from an idea to a force of media!

How to 10 Steps How to 10 StepsHow to 10 Steps on InstagramHow to 10 Steps on Threads

The Fall of Tartaria

The Fall of Tartaria

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The Fall of Tartaria takes place in an alternative reality to bring the Tartarian Empire to life from the murky corners of the Web.

Ominous warnings are emerging from various factions within the empire but will they remain unheeded?

Relic: The Element & Cryptic Tales

Relic: The Element & Cryptic Tales

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Relic: The Element is a short story collected with three additional tales narrated by the author from renowned writers that made landmark contributions to the pulp canon available exclusively in audibook format.

It includes: “The Challenge from Beyond” by Frank Belknap Long (Excerpt), “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe, “The Alchemist” by H. P. Lovecraft

Relic of the Aztecs

Relic of the Aztecs

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Relic of the Aztecs is an historical fiction short story. The Aztec Empire faces invasion from an advanced civilization. Emperor Tzontettica Yaotl is informed of a forgotten artifact that could save their empire. One man is chosen to embark on a dangerous mission to recover the object among abandoned ruins and preserve the empire. Will he return with it in time?